Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers Day just like I have every year that I have been a mom. I Have the best kids in the world and I am proud to be their mother. This year we went to Dannys for a bar-b-q, we were missing Kim and Ben and Ryan but all in all we had a really fun time. Below my pictures are somewhat out of order..thank you my darling kids and husband for making it a great day! Love you all.

My New Bike from George
Melanie and her new Apron from Steph

Brett eating a giant hamburger

Bretts giant hamburger

All lined up for chow

Some beautiful cupcakes that Whitneys friend made me

Me and Steph

Whitney and Kylah

Kylah and her Mommy

Me and Kylah


David and Anita Holloway said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Teri. If anyone deserves it, it's you.

thefrommfam said...

Those were fun pictures mama! I love you so much