Saturday, October 13, 2018

I love Leavenworth

I had 4 days off in August so Kylah and I drove to Leavenworth to spend a few days with Steph and the kids. We got there Monday afternoon and the kids were at the river so we down there for a bit and then came home for dinner. Before I got there the Fromm house had the flu, I really didn't think anything of it because I have a good immune system. But around 2 in the morning I could feel my stomach rumbling and getting worse and worse. An hour later or so I started throwing up and it was awful! Poor Steph did not get much sleep... as I was throwing up, so was Brett and Jaemus and then Kylah got it the next day! So we were all sick, so needless to say I did not get to spend much time with the kids. The day I was to leave was the day I felt good so I snapped as many pics as I could.

Steph with kids



Steph and Mallory

my favorite picture, every boy needs his mama

Jaxon Jaemus and Mallory

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