Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Fair is in Town

Whitney, Kylah and and I had really fun time at the fair this weekend. Lots of food, fun and good weather. I love the fair, people watching is especially fun.
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Cunningham Campout

It was so much fun to get together as a family an go camping for a night and day. We truly enjoyed one anothers company and just had a great time. We plan on doing this again next year.
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Monday, August 23, 2010

Somethings Fishy

George and I took the girls fishing tonight, they didn't catch anything but they did have fun. Madyson is George's fishing buddy... she will sit for hours waiting to catch a fish. She is one patient girl.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Birthday, Bar-b-q, Beach and Babies

We had a really fun time at the River( or beach) the other day to celebrate Maddy's 10th birthday, all the girls were able to make it along with their husbands. Melanies friend Angela came with her baby girl Remy..she is so cute. So we had a fun time being together.

The Bennetts...Ash, Mel, Maddy and Kylah
Baby Remy
Madyson's Cake
Steph and Brett, Ben and Kim, Mel and Ash
Baby Remy
Aunt Cheryl with the girls
Colby, Madyson and Rachel
Blowing out her candles
Ash and Mel
Kim and Logan
Kim and Ben
Aunt Cheryl and Madyson
Angela and Remy

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Fromm Family

It was fun doing family pictures for Stephanie and Brett with Kyra and Makenna. The girls are growing so fast..Steph and Brett have been married for 2 and a half years alreday! I love my daughters and their sweet husbands and my step grandaughters.

A Decade Old

Today is Madyson's 10th birthday, she is now in double digits! Madyson is our firstborn grandaughter, she has been the joy of our lives for these past 10 years.She was a cute happy baby with a smile on her face all the time. She loves her family and is a great student at school, she makes friends easily, she is helpful, kind , polite and just an all around great girl. WE love her so much and so grateful she is part of our family. Happy Birthday Maddy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sequim Wa

Melanie, Madyson and I drove over to Sequim on Friday to pick up Kylah, she had been staying with Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Steve for the past week. I have never been there and I have come to realize why they call Washington the Evergreen State, there were trees everywhere and it was soo green, but it was also cold and rainy and constant fog. I was not to thrilled with that. Kathy and Steve have a beautiful property and home and they were so generous to us for the 3 days we were there.

These are just some random pictures from Sequim, Kathy took us to a little beach where they had these amazing whitewashed logs, We took the ferry over so there is a picture of Maddy on the ferry. Click on collages to see them bigger.
We got to go to Port Townsend one rained all day! But we had fun, went to and ice cream shop, a silly hat shop, saw an awsome lite house and just had lots of fun.
Grandpa Steve is a musican, he entertained us with a lot of music and Kylah entertained us with her new glove and tiara, Kathy and Steve also sing beautifuly together so that was fun to listen to.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Marker for Annabelle

The reason we went up to Leavenworth last weekend was for Steph and Brett to put the headstone on Annabelles grave, I had to leave Friday so I was not able to stay for that part but Steph sent me the pictures today. The headstone turned out beautiful and she is resting in one of the most prettiest places in the North West. We love her and are grateful that one day we will see her again.
Steph and Brett

Kyra, Steph, Brett and Makenna

Monday, August 2, 2010

Family time at the River

We had a little family get together for Ashley and Georges birthdays, nice bar-b-q, the weather was terrible but everyone had a good time. Danny brought his kayak's so the kids had fun trying those out.

Maddy eating watermelon

Melanie in Kayak
Ashley in his Kayak

Riley and Lori
Melanie and George
Cheryl and Danny
Logan and Maddy
Melanie and Ash