Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Teri and Kylah's Road Trip

I have a dear friend named Anita Holloway who I met in 1992, when she and her family moved to Grangeville ID. She had 7 kids and I had 6 and almost all of our kids were about the same age. WE became instant friends and have stayed in touch with each other thru the years. Back in the fall I told her that I wanted to come down to Blackfoot ID to see her,so we just planned it and I took some time of from work and I took my little road trip buddy Kylah with me. We left Thursday the 29th when I got off work and drove as far as Bute and there we stayed in Hotel and then drove the rest of the way on Friday getting us there in the afternoon. WE had such a fun time and it was so fun seeing Anita, Dave and her kids that live in the same town, Chelsie, Cassie and Tyler.I am so thankful for my friendship with Anita and all my other girlfriends that i have stayed in touch with thru the years.

Kylah crashed at the Hotel
getting ready to  head off to Blackfoot.
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