Sunday, June 17, 2018

Madyson's graduation

Madyson Jade Cunningham our first grandchild graduate from Cascade High School Leavenworth WA on June 9th 2018. She moved with Steph and Brett last year up to Leavenworth ( she had been living with them since the 9th grade). Steph and Brett built a house there on family property so Mad made the move with them and had to start a new school and make new friends. She did great, she is very smart. She got a job at Starbucks and new boyfriend named Garrett. We are very proud of her and in the fall will be going to EWU.

Maddy and her dad Eddie..sadly 5 days after this picture was taken he died from a Heart attack.

Maddy and her Mom Melanie

Eddie Maddy and Melanie

our family

yay Maddy

Steph and Maddy

Mad and her freinds

her and Garrett

Auntie and Maddy

Kylah and Mad

Mad and her dad Eddie

Me and Mad- it was Freezing cold. Graduation started at 8:00

The Fam

Steph and Maddy

Maddy and Sophia

Steph did a lot of work putting together a graduation party for her.

Melanie made her this awesome book of her life events, she is so talented.

me grandma and Maddy

Kylah and Auntie


Kylah Mel and Mad

Melanie Kylah George and Maddy

Melanie Kylah Teri and Maddy

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