Friday, March 29, 2019

Leavenworth part 2

So for Steph's birthday all of us girls went in to Wenatchee to do some shopping and got out to lunch, we went to the 59er diner, one of our favorite places. We then did some thrift store shopping and then came home and made a yummy dinner for Steph and celebrated her birthday with cake ice cream and gifts. All the kids wanted to help her open her gifts. So Cute!
the 59er diner looks like stepping into 1959

this gum reminded her of her childhood

Jaemus and Avery made a bit of a mess with lots of toys and lots of water n the upstairs bathroom. Here Jaemus is trying to explain the situation but first telling his mom that he was sorry

Fynn and Manchester, the family Hamster

Cheryl and Fynn

Happy Birthday Steph

Mallory and NOra

Little Helpers

Kim got Steph this cute bag

cuties on the couch- Nora Brayden Lennon Fynn Avery Jaemus and Mallory

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