Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our 4th of July Weekend.

I could not have asked for a more PERFECT Holiday weekend...the weather was gorgeous, I just could not get enough of the warm weather. Monday my sister and I along with Danny and Kimberly all went to watch the parade which was amazing...I loved every minute of it. After the parade we headed down the beach and I think just about everyone else in town had the same idea because it was packed but that is alright....we put our chairs in the water and we were sun worshipers for 3 glorious hours! I got quite the sunburn but no complaining here ,,, I needed that sun. Later that day we had a bar-b-q over at Cheryls house, my cousin Lori and her family came, Kim and Ben brought Ben's mom which was also her birthday so double celebration for her. We ate tons of good food... Danny did an amazing job on the Bar-b-q. I had good intentions of going down to the lake and watch fireworks but the SUN did me in and I was in bed by 8:30. I LOVE the 4th of July and I LOVE my country.


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1 comment:

Undaunted said...

I am enjoying the sun too. Glad you had such a wonderful day. Miss seeing you around.