Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011

It's always fun to look back on the year before we begin a new one, so here is a look back at 2011.

In January we learned that our 3 oldest daughters were all going to have babies at the same time... and yes they were all crying when this picture was taken.

February was Valentines, Kylah had a fun class party

March was Stephanies Birthday and also Melanie and her family moved to NC :( A very sad day and month for us! But Ashley got a good job and this was a great opportunity for them. Sigh!

April was Easter and my sister made these darling eggs

May was Mothers Day and 2 mommies to be were celebrating their first Mothers Day

June was Fathers day...Steph and her dad

July was busy, 4th of July, Showers for Steph and kim and our Strings group played at our first wedding.

August was busy as well.. George and I flew to NC to be with Melanie when she had her baby, Georgia Ann was born August 13th, we stayed for 10 days and had a blast. The day before we got home Stephanie gave birth to Jaxon on August 20th, ( I totally forgot to upload his birth picture....sorry Steph... he is down at the bottom for some other pics.)

Sept 5th Kim gave birth to Brayden Benjamin Burt. Such a Sweet gentle little boy.

George, Logan and I took a vacation to Glacier National park...beautiful.

Logan being silly

Here is baby Jaxon with his first Halloween shirt on.

November..we had Thanksgiving over at Steph and Bretts house..Yummy!

Jaxon with his First Thanksgiving shirt on.

December was joyous and fun with new babies, Melanie sent me some pics of the girls celebrating Christmas in SC ( they moved in Oct). We had Christmas eve dinner over at Kim and Bens and then exchanged gifts. It was a beautiful evening.

There were soo many more pictures to post and so many other things we did, we also learned this year that we are going to be grandparents again in May, Whitney is going to be a mama too.... so we are excited to have another grandbaby in the family. We have han an amazing year, some ups and downs, we miss Melanie, Ashley, Maddy, Ky, and Georgia like crazy. We are hoping to spend lots of time with them this summer. We have had so many fun times with the babies, what a blessing they have been to our family and to our daughters, the Lord has surely blessed them all . We are thankful for good health, good jobs and great kids. So now we look forward to 2012, a new baby, new adventures and spending lots of time with family.

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