Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Weekend

It was another wonderful perfect weekend..the weather was beautiful, spending time with my daughters and the babies was delightful. Saturday morning Whitney and I woke up early and hiked tubbs Hill.

One of the many trails around  Tubbs Hill for hiking or running.

A view from the top of our trail
I loved the way the sunlight was shining on these daisies.
Another trail we were walking along. It was just so beautiful , the birds were chirping and all was so quiet.
I love Picket fences...this was calling to me to take a picture.
After our Hike, Whitney, Kim, Brayden and I went to the Baby Consignment fair at the Fairground. Brayden had fun testing out all the little riding toys...
I bought $80.00 worth of toys and books for the babies so they have things to play with at my house. It was a lot of fun and they had  soooo much stuf.
After the baby shopping, Steph brought Jaxon over and we all went for a walk.
Brayden getting ready for a stroll on a lovely day.
Two happy boys
After our walk the boys decided it would be fun to play Grandmas Piano,....soo cute.
Do you think they will be best buds forever??? I do!
So all in all it was a great weekend and soo thankful for family and warm weather.
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