Thursday, May 14, 2015

Welcome Forest Wilder Young

We knew Whintey was having contractions all day Sunday so we pretty much expected a baby on Mothers day or the day after. Jared called me at 2:30 in the morning on Monday saying they were already up at the Days Springs birthing center. I got up and dressed and got up there as soon as I could. By the time I got there she was already in the tub having contractions one after the other so I Knew it was only a matter of time. About 25 minutes after I arrived Forest was born at 3:16 on May 11th weighing 8 pounds and he was 20 and 3/4" long. He has lots of dark brown hair and he is soooo beautiful. He is perfect in every way!! Whitney had her doula Annie with her and her amazing Midwife and one assistant and then myself. The room she had the baby in was like a bedroom, calming, quiet and pretty, it was a perfect birth, could not have asked for anything smoother. I was so thankful I was able to do all the birth photography too. We are soo happy that little Forest is here and safe and so loved. Whitney and Jared got to stay all day in the suite and then came home, I took Fynn home with me and then took her out to Osburn the next day. Sure going to miss them.

Whitney's doula Annie

Born in the bathtub and all was great.

Jared and keep his eyes off the baby

so cute

8 pounds

about and hour after birthing, they filled a tub with all kinds of herbs and spices and put Whitney and baby back in,. He loved it.

Whitney and Annie

Fynn getting her first look

How cute is he???

Uncle Ryan getting to hold him.

Kim gets a turn

Steph too

Mom and girls

sisters...missing Melanie

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