Saturday, August 2, 2008

Missing Maddy and Ky

Madyson and Kylah have been gone since the first part of July, they are up in Squim Wa visiting Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Steve, Aunt Mari and their Uncles. They have been having a wonderful time and I know that Kathy is enjoying having them there but we are missing them like crazy. Papa has no one to go fishing with becuase Maddy is his fishing buddy... and I have been dying to take them to the beach or Sliverwood or Wild Waters and I can't because they are not here!!! Good news is they will be home on the 9th of August and then we will have some summer left to spend with them. The house has stayed clean and it has been really quite but we realize that since they have been gone our house is not the same without them! We love them so much and can't wait for their return and then there will be tons of new pictures of our little girls!
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