Saturday, August 9, 2008

A small surgery for Logan

A few weeks ago Logan came to me and told me he had a lump in his oh so delicate private area, I took him to our doctor right away, upon examination they could not determine what the lump was so they sent us to a Urologist.... a great guy by the name of Dr. Ellison. Well Dr. E was perplexed and could not determine what this lump was so they did an ultra sound and still they could not get a clear picutre of this mass that did not belong where it was! So from there we were sent to the Imaging center for a Eurethragram, this was not a pleasent experience for Logan but we had to determine what this was. A few days later we are back at Dr. Ellison's office and he tells us that he just did not feel comfortable with this lumb being there and felt it needed to come out and be sent to a pathologist sooo we made the arrangements to have a small procedure at Kootenai Medical out patient center. This little surgery did not take more then 45 minutes and before we knew it they were sending us home. The mass was sent to a pathologist and we will know what it is by Tuesday. Logan has been a great sport thru it all, he is a bit sore but will make a full recovery.
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1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

What a bummer! Hope he gets feeling better soon!!