Sunday, July 11, 2010

Note to self.....

Dont ever take your dog on a run when you are on a bike and he is attached to your wrist with his leash!! Sadly I learned a hard lesson last night when I decided that it was such a beautiful night that Zep and I would go for a on the bike..he on his four legs. Everything was going great until I was riding in the bike lane on the street and he was next to me on the side walk and all of a sudden he sees something he has to sniff in an empty field..he starts running off and I go flying off my bike and did a nice skid on the cement and dirt. I was not only embarrassed but hurting bad. I also did something to my thumb which is very sore and a bit swollen. From now on I will be walking Zeppelin or riding my bike ALONE!


Kimberly said...

Ha! That is a funny post mom. Sorry that happened to you..I could just see you flying in the air off your bike... :)
Love you

Shelby said...

first Im like, Oh My Gosh,your poor knee, then I see the culprit and Im like LOL
hope your feeling better!