Monday, August 15, 2011


Georgia Ann Bennett, born August 13,2001 at 6:40 p.m. She weighed 6lbs 13Ounces and 20 Inches long. She is pure sweetness and everyone has fallen in love with her.

Ashley holding his new baby girl
One happy Big Sister

one happy Grandma and her 3 beautiful girls

At home in her crib
moments after birth


Melanie and her nurse Ruth

First Family Picture
Melanie was induced at 7 a.m. on the 13th, she did really well until she got to about 6 cm and because she was confined to the bed and could not get in the tub she suffered some painful contractions that were basically on top of each other. She had an epidural and was able to have a wonderful pain free delivery. Brenda ( Ashleys mom) and I were able to go in right when she delivered so that was a very special experience. Georgia is beautiful and I am so happy that I was able to be here in North Carolina to celebrate this special day.
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thefrommfam said...

Yay! I love seeing all the pictures. Mom take as many pictures as you can over the next couple of days. I can't wait to see them all. Congrats Mel and Ash!

Heidi said...

Congratulations on your new granddaughter! She is adorable!