Monday, September 1, 2014

Please tell me where Summer went.

I love Fall and everything that comes with it, but I am sad that Summer is almost over..the weather is already getting cooler and today I saw leaves on a tree that were already starting to change colors. The only problem with living in the Northwest is that our summers are SO short. I feel like it just barely got started and now we are in the last days. Today being Labor Day we all met at my sisters and had a bar-b-q and just had a really nice relaxing day. So nice to have a rest from our Labors. I am looking forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and the best thing...a new baby coming the end of October.
Geroge and I took a hike up to Tubbs Hill the other day.

Whitney's boyfriend Jared is the football coach in Wallace and he got the girls these sweatshirts

Brayden and Fynn

lets eat cake!!

she had a little trouble getting it into her mouth

Fynn holding Avery

Jared and Fynn

My sweet brother Ken

Kim and Brayden

Isn't she cute??

Ben and Brayden

Bray waiting patiently for some cake


Auntie and Avery

Fynn and Brayden


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