Sunday, January 6, 2019


Thanksgiving was absolutely perfect, we all gathered at Kim's house and we had a big group..all six kids were there with their families...we were just missing Georgia who was with her dad and Kylah who was with her other grandma in Squim. There was lots of good food and lots of little children and millions of blessings!!
Me and Maddy

One little Turkey Maddy

Me Steph Lennon and Cheryl

Me Fynn Jaxon Brayden and Avery


Me Ryan and Logan

Maddy and Steph

Cheryl and Brayden

another little turkey Fynn

one more Turkey Jaxon

Little Turkey Jaemus

Me and George with  most of the grandbabies

The Burts...Ben Kim Brayden Avery and Nora

Teri George with Melanie Logan Whitney Kim Ryan and Steph

Arika Reign Logan and Harper Cunningham

Baby Lennon

The Youngs, Jared Forest Fynn Whitney and Lennon

The Fromms Steph Brett, Jaxon Jaemus Mallory Kyra Kenna and Maddy who belongs to Melanie

Ryan and Jaemus

Papa and Jaxon

Jaemus Brayden and Jaxon

cute little Turkey Nora Jane

Ryan and Wilson

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